Behind The Beat (Poster) J Dilla - STONES THROWポスター8種受付!

[ NEW / Poster / Stones Throw ]


2005年に発刊されたUS,UKのビートメイカーのホームスタジオ風景を収めた写真集「BEHIND THE BEAT」(2011年2月現在絶版となり、現在超プレミア価格で取引されています!)で使用された、生前のJ.DILLAのビートメイキング風景がポスターに!!

※28 x 28 inches(約71cm)サイズ
Back in 2005, photographer Raph Rashid was hoping to complete a book of hip-hop home studios by getting pics of J Dilla at work in Los Angeles. Unknown to all but a small circle of people at the time, J Dilla had been in and out of the hospital all year dealing with increasingly serious health problems. It was summer, during a brief period when Dilla was home, working on The Shining, looking and feeling good, when Raph came to take this picture. It was published with others later that year in his book Behind the Beat: Hip-Hop Home Studios.

